为了更清晰地了解逆F类功率放大器通过规整漏极电压和电流波形实现高效率的本质,对其漏极电压波形进行了理论分析和仿真验证。结果表明,在仅考虑二、三次谐波,且当谐波比例k=1/4时,v(θ)波形最平坦,最近似于半正弦波。利用电磁软件仿真设计并制作了一款k=0.271的逆F类功率放大器,经测试在输出功率为36.33 d Bm时,功率附加效率达到了71%。
Inverse Class F power amplifiers improve efficiency of microwave circuit by adjusting waveform of drain voltage and current. For a better understanding of the nature,the waveform of drain voltage and current are analyzed theoretically and simulated. The result shows that if only the second and third harmonics are considered with the second harmonic and fundamental wave voltage ratio k = 1 /4,the drain voltage waveform is the most flat and the drain voltage tends to be a half-sine. Finally,an inverse class F power amplifier with k = 0. 271 is designed and the actual circuit is manufactured,with a peak power-added efficiency of 71% and an output power of 36. 33 d Bm.
Electronic Science and Technology