
社会建设的方向:“公民社会”还是人民社会? 被引量:33

Whither Social Reconstruction:“Civil Society”or Socialist Society?
摘要 本文对风行一时的公民社会理论提出批评,指出有关公民社会的种种说辞存在两个基本问题。一是"名不正,言不顺";二是"名实不符"。文章分为三部分。第一部分讨论"名不正"问题,指出这个概念的本义不清,中文译名更带有严重的误导性。"民间会社"也许是更准确的翻译。第二部分讨论"名实不符"问题,指出公民社会那些被吹得天花乱坠的神效未必存在,并逐一戳破了围绕公民社会的种种神话,如同质的神话、圣洁的神话、独立的神话、国家与社会二元对立的神话、民主动力的神话。在批评公民社会理论的基础上,文章的第三部分论证,公民社会不应是中国社会建设的方向,真正值得中国人追求的是构筑一个以劳动大众为主体的政治共同体——人民社会。 The paper presents a critique of the various theories surrounding'civil society',pointing out two main problems that these theories contain. The first is about the Chinese translation of the term'civil society'.The second is about its lack of correspondence with reality. The article is divided into three parts. The first part discusses why the Chinese translation of'civil society'as gongmin shehui is ambiguous,even misleading,and proposes a more accurate translation:minjian huishe,meaning'a group of associations'. The second part discusses the extent to which the theory fails to fit in with reality,exposing various myths surrounding'civil society'. The third part argues that'civil society'should not be the direction of China's social reconstruction;the goal that is really worth pursuing is to build a political community where the broad masses of the people are masters of their own affairs,i.e. a socialist society.
作者 王绍光
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期26-48,5,共23页 Open Times
关键词 公民社会 人民社会 非政府组织 非营利组织 第三部门 civil society,socialist society,NGO,NPO,the third sector
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