
脉冲偏压对离子束辅助电弧离子镀TiN/Cu纳米复合膜结构及硬度的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Pulsed Bias on Microstructures and Hardness of TiN / Cu Coatings Grown by Ion Beam Assisted Arc Ion Plating
摘要 采用离子束辅助电弧离子镀技术在高速钢基体上制备TiN/Cu纳米复合薄膜,考察了基体脉冲负偏压对薄膜成分、结构及硬度的影响。用X射线光电子谱、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、透射电镜和纳米压痕等方法分别测试了薄膜的化学成分、结构、表面形貌、硬度以及弹性模量。结果表明,在氮离子束的轰击作用下,随着脉冲偏压幅值从-100 V增加到-900 V时,薄膜中Cu含量先增加而后略有降低,在1.05%-2.50%(原子比)范围内变化。同时,脉冲偏压对薄膜的结构也有明显影响,在-100 V出现TiN(111)择优取向,当基体偏压增加到-300 V以上时,择优取向改变为TiN(220)择优。薄膜的Cu2p峰均对应纯金属Cu,薄膜的晶粒尺寸约在11-17 nm范围内变化。硬度和弹性模量随着偏压幅值增加而增大,当偏压为-900 V时,薄膜硬度和弹性模量达到最大值,分别为29.92 GPa,476 GPa,对应的铜含量为1.91%。 The TiN/Cu nano-composite coatings were deposited by ion beam assisted arc ion plating on substrate of high speed steel. The effects of the deposition conditions, especially the pulsed bias, on its microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, trans- mission electron microscopy and conventional mechanical probes. The results show that the pulsed bias significantly influ- ences the Cu-content, micmstructures, and mechanical properties. For example, as the voltage decreased from -100 to -900 V,the Cu-content changed in an increase-decrease mode in1.05% -2.50% (at) range, accompanied by a transition of preferred orientation from TiN(110) at -100 V to TIN(220) above -300 V and growth of grain size from ll to 17 rrrn; and both its hardness and elastic modulus increased. Cu2p peaks originated from pure Cu. Synthesized at -900 V, the hardness and elastic modulus of the coatings with Cu-content of 1.91% were found to be 29.92 GPa and 476 GPa, respectively.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期1040-1046,共7页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 沈阳市科技计划项目(F12-278-6-05)
关键词 TiN/Cu纳米复合膜 离子束辅助沉积 电弧离子镀 脉冲偏压 硬度 TiN/Cu nanocomposite films, Ion beam assisted deposition, Arc ion plating, Pulse bias, Hardness
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