情绪能力(emotional competence,简称EC)是近来教师心理的研究热点,但中国大陆对这方面的研究较为匮乏。本文在梳理国内外的相关文献后发现,教师EC的研究多集中于两方面,一是与教师职业倦怠、工作满意度、教学效能感等教师工作变量的相关关系研究,一是教师EC的干预。虽然目前已有一定的研究成果,但还存在概念不统一、研究较单一以及干预不够科学的问题。
Increasing researches indicate that the emotional competence(EC)of teachers is important to students, teaching, even the teacher themselves. Firstly, the teacher who has high EC will boost his/her students' learning and personal development. Secondly, this kind of teacher has a good teaching effect. Finally, high EC has a positive effect both on teachers' work and life. The purpose of this study is to review the limited literatures on teachers' EC. First of all, a multi-perspective on concept is described. Emotional intelligence(EI)is a similar term with EC, there is not an apparent distinction between EI and EC however. The use of the two terms can be divided into three kinds recently: the fi rst kind of researchers regard EI and EC as two different concepts; the second ones concern that the two terms have the same connotation, but they have favorite term respectively; the third kind of scholars propose a convergence of EI and EC. After this, the existing literatures on correlation between EC and some working variables and EC intervention are reviewed. The correlational study is a main content in this fi eld, and the relevant variables involve teachers' burnout, job satisfaction, self-effi cacy, life satisfaction, achievement motivation and moral reasoning, etc. Above all of them, the relevant researches between teachers' EC and teachers' burnout, job satisfaction and self-effi cacy are introduced. First of all, many studies fi nd that teachers' EC has a negative correlation with job burnout, and one component of EC——emotion regulation ability plays the most important role on it. Besides, a research from Hong Kong fi nds that the effect of EC on burnout has a temporal relation. Emotional exhaustion, infl uenced by emotional appraisal and positive regulation, was causally prior to depersonalization and personal accomplishment, but personal accomplishment could develop relatively independently from the burnout components through the infl uence of positive utilization of emotions. On the
Journal of Psychological Science
emotional competence
correlational studies