
区域港口群中竞合关系的博弈研究 被引量:18

The Multi-dimensional Game About Cooperation and Competition in the Regional Port System
摘要 在全球供应链整合的推动下,区域港口群中各港之间竞争与合作并存的发展日益被重视。本文将突破以往有关港口竞合关系的定性研究和专注于码头层面的定量研究。将港口群中地方政府和集装箱码头两个层面联系起来,建立切于实际的数学模型来对港口群中竞合关系进行博弈研究。我们将同时考虑地方政府对港口腹地物流系统建设的决策和码头运营商的价格决策。以珠三角地区的港口群系统为背景,通过数学模型分析和数值研究来探讨港口群中政府的合作过程给区域经济带来的影响。研究表明,政府合作建设腹地物流系统的行为将有益于地方政府的利润增加。而合作模式不一定会得到所有码头运营商的支持。 Due to the integration of global supply chain , the competition and cooperation relation in the reginal port system is emphasized .No research is found in the two-level co-opetition problem which involves both the government strategies and the terminal operator decisions .Our research will break through the limitated research in the literature which focuses on the qualitative analysis and the terminal-oriented quantitative study .We consid-er both the hinterland logistics service investment of the local government , and the terminal operator ’ s price decision .Through the model analysis and numerical study , we intend to investigate the effect of the co-opeartion process on the local economic development .The research results reveal that the cooperation between the port city governments benefits the governments in terms of the income .However , the coooperation is not necessarily sup-ported by the container terminal operators .
作者 余明珠 山峻
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期93-100,共8页 Operations Research and Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71302109 71102048) 教育部人文社科项目(10YJC630200) 国家社科基金重大项目(10ZD&035) 长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助 国家软科学研究计划项目(2012GXS4D110)
关键词 管理工程 竞合关系 博弈论 区域港口群 management engineering cooperation and competition game theory regional port system
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