
云南省边境地区2013年麻疹病毒监测及基因特征分析 被引量:2

Measles Surveillance and Virus Genetic Characteristics Analysis in the Border Areas of Yunnan Province,China,2013
摘要 目的探讨云南省边境地区2013年流行的麻疹病毒基因型别和特征。方法采用Vero/SLAM细胞(Vero Cell Transfected to Express the Human Siganling Lymphocyte Activation Molecule,淋巴信号激活因子转染的非洲绿猴肾细胞)分离麻疹病毒,用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction,RT-PCR)扩增核蛋白N基因羧基末端的676个核苷酸片段,对扩增产物进行核苷酸序列测定,并以N基因羧基末端450个核苷酸序列构建基因亲缘性关系树,进行核苷酸变异分析。对未分离到病毒的标本直接提取病毒核酸,并进行RT-PCR和基因测序。结果云南省边境地区2013年共分离和检测到19株麻疹病毒和30株病毒核酸,12株为H1基因型,分布于云南省的5个边境县(区,下同),老挝人民民主共和国(老挝)南磨县,缅甸联邦共和国(缅甸)贵概;36株为D9基因型,分布于云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州(德宏州)与缅甸接壤的3个县,保山市龙陵县,缅甸的勐惹、木姐、贵概;1株为A基因型,来源于德宏州芒市。结论云南省与缅甸接壤的边境地区,有H1基因型和D9基因型麻疹病毒的循环。D9基因型为德宏州的优势基因型,且该基因型在缅甸和德宏州与缅甸接壤的边境县相互传播;H1基因型在老挝和云南省与老挝接壤的边境地区相互传播。A基因型为中国沪191疫苗株麻疹病毒相似株。 Objective Explore genetic characteristics and identify genotypes of measles viruses found in the border areas of Yunnan province of China in 2013.Methods Vero / Slam cell( Vero Cell transfected to express the human signaling lymphocyte activation molecule) were used for measles virus isolation and culture.Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction( RT-PCR) was used to amplify a 676 base pair nucleotide fragment and conduct sequence analysis.We generated phylogenetic trees and performed homological analysis of the sequence of the last 450 nucleotides from the carboxyl end of the nucleoprotein gene.Viral ribonucleic acid RNA was extracted if measles virus could not be isolated and used to conduct RT-PCR and sequence analysis.Results A total of 19 measles virus strains and 30 nucleotide fragments were isolated from samples collected in the Yunnan border areas in 2013.There were 12 strains identified as genotype H1,which were distributed in 5 border counties of Yunnan,Manmong county of Lao People's Democratic Republic,and Guigai county of the Union of Myanmar.Thirty-six strains were identified as genotype D9,and were distributed in 3 border counties of Dai-Jingpo autonomous prefecture of Dehong and Longling counties of Baoshan prefecture in Yunnan province,and Mengre county,Mujie county,and Guigai county of Myanmar.There was 1strain identified as genotype A,and it was from Mangshi county in Dehong prefecture.Conclusion Genotype H1 and D9 measles viruses were simultaneously circulating between and within the border areas of Yunnan province and Myanmar.Genotype D9 was the predominant genotype in Dehong prefecture,circulating between and within the border counties of Dehong prefecture and Myanmar.Genotype H1 a was circulating between and within the border areas of Yunnan province and Laos.Genotype A was similar to the Chinese measles vaccine strain,Shanghai 191.
出处 《中国疫苗和免疫》 CAS 2014年第5期409-415,434,共8页 Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
关键词 边境地区 麻疹病毒 基因型 亲缘性分析 Border areas Measles viruse Genotype Phylogenetic analysis
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