采用龙泉当地原料西源与黄坛,配合石英、方解石、滑石、氧化铬等原料制备青釉。实验采用单因素实验法,在1280℃~1320℃还原气氛烧成下获得了釉面效果较好的梅子青青釉。考察了西源含量、氧化铬含量、Si/Al摩尔比和釉层厚度等因素对青釉呈色的影响。研究结果表明:当配方组成:西源22%、Si/Al摩尔比9.5、方解石17%时,控制釉层厚度为1.5 mm,获得的梅子青青釉釉面效果最好。
The green glaze is prepared by Xiyuqan and Huangtan clay in Longquan, quartz, calcite, talc and chrome oxide etc. The good plum green glaze is obtained at the reducing atmosphere for 1280℃~1320℃. Effects of Cr2O3 contents, Si/Al molar ratio, calcite and glaze layer thickness on the plum green glaze are studied. The results show that the mixture with 22%of Xiyuan, 9.5 of Si/Al molar ratio, 17%of calcite, and 1.5 mm thickness of glaze layer, plum green glaze is best.