目的了解北京市昌平区中小学生午餐满意度,为制定营养干预措施改善学生营养状况提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段随机整群抽样的方法,抽取辖区5所学校37个班1 007名中小学生进行匿名自填式问卷调查。结果学生对午餐的口味、卫生情况、荤素搭配、营养状况和总体感觉满意的报告率分别为67.9%,40.2%,39.2%,37.8%和33.8%,全部指标均满意的报告率仅为17.8%;学校食堂是学生午餐满意度最高(78.4%)和主要的午餐途径(61.3%);仅48.1%的学生能够将午餐全部吃完,午餐剩饭剩菜前3位原因分别为吃腻了(30.4%)、不好吃(30.1%)和量多吃不了(21.3%)。对学生剩饭剩菜,有55.8%的学生回答教师不管,21.6%的父母不批评/随便,仅57.0%的父母经常教育孩子不能挑食;84.2%的学生认为午餐很重要;学生选择食物最先考虑口味(35.8%),其次是卫生(21.7%)和营养(20.8%);有18.1%的学生每天都吃零食,11.6%的学生经常以零食代替正餐,排前3位的零食为冷饮(62.0%)、饼干/点心/面包(52.8%)和干脆面(50.2%);15.7%的学生没有受到学校或教师不能以零食代替正餐的相关教导。结论学生对午餐满意度不高;对午餐重要性的认识有待提高。学校食堂是学生午餐就餐人数最多且满意度较高的场所,可依托学校食堂开展学生营养膳食宣教和干预。
Objective To investigate the lunch satisfaction among students in primary and secondary schools in Changping District of Beijing in order to develop nutritional interventions and improve students' nutritional status. Methods A cluster random sampling was used among 1 007 primary and middle school students from five schools for anonymous self-administered questionnaire. Results Students for lunch taste,health situation,hun vegetable collocation,nutritional status and overall feeling said " satisfied" report rate were 67. 9%,40. 2%,39. 2%,37. 8% and 33. 8%. Only 17. 8% of the students reported satisfied with all the indicators. The students showed the most satisfaction at school dinning hall(78. 4%) and it was also the main places for lunch(61. 3%). About 48. 1% could eat all the food of lunch,the main reasons was leading as being tired about the food(30.4%),taste(30.1%),being too much to finish(21.3%). For the leftovers,55.8% reported teachers not caring about it,21. 6% reported parents not caring about it,only 57. 8% reported parents often teaching them balance dietary. About 84. 2%thought lunch was important. Taste(35. 8%) was the first consideration,then was hygiene(21. 7%) and nutrition(20. 8%). About 18. 1% ate snacks everyday,11. 6% took snacks instead of dinner. The snacks they often ate was cold stone(62. 0%),biscuits /deserts /bread(52. 8%) and dried fried noodles(50. 2%). About 15. 7% reported never received knowledge about " snacks can not replace dinner" by teachers. Conclusion The students are not very satisfied with lunch,and their awareness about the importance of lunch should be improved. The nutritional dietary propaganda and intervention should be carried out by the efforts of school dinning hall.
Chinese Journal of School Health
Nutritional status
Diet surveys