
居庸关过街塔造像义蕴考——11至14世纪中国佛教艺术图像配置的重构 被引量:16

The Iconography of Crossing Road Pagoda(Guojie Ta) Images of JuYongGuan Pass——Reconstruction of Chinese Buddhist Art Images and Composition from 11th to 14th Centuries
摘要 自1954年村田治郎出版汇集诸大家成果的《居庸关》,1964年宿白先生撰写《居庸关过街塔考稿》以来的半个多世纪,几乎没有学者涉猎居庸关研究,也没有发表对以往研究进行认真审视的专论。然而,早期的研究将居庸关过街塔形制与造像定位于藏传佛教义理的展示,但由此进入不能解释过街塔造像内在的逻辑联系。本文从分析过街塔损毁的三塔与券洞图像配置入手,揭示三塔的来源及其多重义理,讨论券顶五佛的文本与图像来源,考察斜披四手印、十方三身的十方佛构成方式及法华释迦多宝式样至14世纪时的变异形态,并通过仔细观察以往无人关注的四大天王图像头顶化佛与胸前铠甲图像,从中复原设计者将西夏蒙元时期的多元信仰熔铸于过街塔建筑的绝妙构想。本文强调,居庸关是塞外草原连接华北京畿腹地之间官道上最重要的关隘,元顺帝时在此设计建造的过街塔是元代各民族友好相处的巍峨见证,是多民族国家一统的象征。现今各界只将元顺帝"报施于神明",元人自认"壮丽雄伟,为当代之冠"的过街塔看作是藏传佛教的佛塔,实际上没有领会设计建造者的雄心大略,无意中忽略了过街塔更大的价值。 Fewer references and reviews about JuYongGuan Pass have been read except the Japanese publication of JuYongGuan Pass and The Crossing Road Pagoda(Guojie Ta) of JuYongGuan Pass Reconsidered by Chinese Archaeologist Su Bai, which were issued in 1954 and 1964 respectively. The early interpretation on the layout and illustration as the Tibetan Buddhist Sutras failed to make sense of the intrinsic logical relation of the images. This essay intends to probe into the history of the three damaged towers of Crossing Road Pagoda(Guojie Ta) and the philosophical expositions of the multiple sutras they embody and the text about the five Buddhas carved on the entrance, to explain the four handprints on the slope ceiling(Xie Pi) and the form of the ten-direction-three-body Buddha(Shifang Fo), to analyze the evolution of the images of Saddharma-pundarika Buddha and Prabhutaratna Buddha by the 14 th century on the basis of the illustration and composition of the images, to retrieve the idea of the designer who built up Crossing Road Pagoda(Guojie Ta) with multiple cultures and faiths of Western Xia and Yuan periods by observing the images of Four Devas and the armors they wear over the chests. It is studied here that JuYongGuan Pass used to be the most vital pass connecting the area north the Great Wall prairie and the hinterland of North China. Crossing Road Pagoda(Guojie Ta) built up in the Yuan Emperor Shun's regime marked the centralized nation of different ethnics who were living together peacefully and friendly more than a Tibetan Buddha pagoda.
作者 谢继胜
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期49-80,159,共32页 Palace Museum Journal
基金 首都师范大学文化研究院2013"北京辽金元明清时期佛教文物遗存研究"(项目编号ICS-2013-B-05)的阶段性成果
关键词 11至14世纪 居庸关 过街塔 形制 图像配置 义蕴 重构 11th through 14th centuries JuYongGuan Pass Crossing Road Pagoda(Guojie Ta) layout and arrangement Image composition implication reconstruction
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