目的 了解公众对艾滋病有关问题的认知状况 ,为防治艾滋病健康教育提供基础资料。方法 通过报刊传播媒介 ,采用问题答题卡形式 ,统计各问题回答正确率。结果 调查显示 ,普通人群中 2 0~ 5 0岁青壮年及高中以上文化程度的人 ,对艾滋病及其防御知识普遍较为关注 ,且有积极参与意识 ,分别占 70 % ,80 %以上。而农民、个体人员及低文化素质的人对艾滋病知识比较漠然 ,参与者仅占 3 79% ,3 4 3%。初中及以下文化程度的人不到 2 0 %。普通公众对艾滋病常识性大多数知识有所了解 ,但对非传播途径、防护措施及较深入的问题仍有模糊认识。结论 要根据普通公众中不同类群体的特点 ,有针对性地开展艾滋病防治知识宣传教育 。
Objective To understand the status of awareness on AIDS among the general public to provide basic data for health education on AIDS prevention and control. Methods The correct rate of keys to questions was estimated through questionnaires via newspapers and other medium.Results The resutls showed that the 20-50 years old groups and other people with senior high school or above education levles paid more attention to AIDS and knowledge of prevention and showed interest in participation, accounting for 70% or above 80% respectively. But the farmers, private owners and other people with low education levels know little about AIDS, with participant accounting for only 3.79% and 3.43%, and less than 20% among people with junior high school or below education levels. The general public had common sense on AIDS, but knew little about non-transmissible routes, protective measures and other complicated questions. Conclusion To carry out health education on AIDS prevention and control was needed according to different characteristic among the public to increase their self-protective awareness and capabilities.
Chinese Journal of Public Health