目的:观察青年人颈椎间盘髓核MRI T2弛豫时间的特点,探讨其量化椎间盘髓核信号的可行性。方法:2013年6~8月对40例健康青年志愿者(年龄18~30岁,平均25.8±3.1岁)行颈椎传统MR矢状位T2加权成像(T2 weighted images,T2WI),并采用T2弛豫时间成像技术扫描,生成正中矢状T2弛豫伪彩图。在MR T2WI序列上对颈椎间盘按Pfirrmann标准进行分级,再在C2~C7各节段椎间盘髓核内选取5个感兴趣区域(regions of interest,ROIs):前点、前中点、中点、中后点、后点,并复制和粘贴到T2弛豫伪彩图上,分别测量各节段椎间盘髓核内各区域T2弛豫值,并对不同Pfirrmann分级椎间盘、不同节段、不同区域的T2弛豫值进行统计学分析。结果:40例志愿者200个颈椎间盘中,Pfirrmann分级Ⅰ级87个(43.5%),Ⅱ级113个(56.5%)。相同节段Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级椎间盘髓核不同区域的T2弛豫值均从前点到中点有增大趋势,中点到后点有减少趋势。Ⅰ级椎间盘各节段髓核不同区域内T2弛豫值均比Ⅱ级椎间盘相应节段和部位高(P〈0.05)。Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级椎间盘各节段髓核前点和后点(除C5/6)的T2弛豫值均小于其他区域(P〈0.05),前中点、中点均高于其他区域的T2弛豫值(P〈0.05)。Ⅰ级椎间盘各节段髓核T2弛豫值95%可信区间分别为C2/3 67.71~80.92ms,C3/4 65.06~72.29ms,C4/5 68.92~76.07ms,C5/6 67.32~75.46ms,C6/7 69.86~76.05ms,Ⅱ级椎间盘各节段髓核T2弛豫值95%可信区间分别为C2/3 51.07~55.26ms,C3/4 52.87~56.11ms,C4/5 55.24~58.30ms,C5/6 56.39~60.38ms,C6/7 60.91~63.92ms。结论:青年人颈椎间盘Pfirrmann分级不同、节段及区域不同,其髓核内T2弛豫值不同;T2弛豫值能准确反映颈椎间盘髓核信号变化,可用来量化椎间盘髓核信号。
Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of quantification of T2 values for intervertebral disc in asymptomatic young adults. Methods: Sagittal fast spin echo T2WI, T2 relation time and T2 colored map were acquired with 3.0T MR in 40 participants in 2013. T2 relation time values of regions of interest (ROIs, anterior area, the area between anterior and middle area, middle area, the area between middle and posterior area, posterior area) in the nucleus pulpous of each cervical intervertebral disc from C2/3 to C6/7 or same cervical intervertebral disc were measured and statistically analyzed. The differences of T2 relation time values were compared by different areas at the same anatomy level and different anatomy in the same area. Results: The Pfirrmann grades of intervertebra] discs were as follows: grade I, 87 discs(43.5%); grade 1], 113 discs (56.5%) for 40 participants. There was an increasing tendency from anterior area to middle area at the anato- my level, and vice versa from middle area to posterior area. At the same anatomic level and the same areas, the T2 value for grade I were higher than that for grade lI (P〈0.05). The T2 value of anterior or posterior area was smaller than that of other areas (except for C5/6)(P〈0.05). The maximum T2 value at the area be- tween anterior and middle and middle area was found, which showed significant difference compared with T2 values of other areas(P〈0.05). 95% confidence level values were noted as follows: C2/3 67.71-80.92ms, C3/4 65.06-72.29ms,C4/5 68.92-76.07ms,C5/6 67.32-75.46ms,C6/7 69.86-76.05ms for grade I, and C2/3 51.07-55.26ms, C3/4 52.87-56.11ms, C4/5 55.24-58.30rns, C5/6 56.39-60.38ms, C6/7 60.91-63.92ms for grade II. Conclusions: The T2 values are different for different Pfirrmann grades, levels and areas. The T2 values ean reflect the differences of nucleus pulpous, and can be used as quantifying intervertebral disc signals.
Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord
Intervertebral disc degeneration
Magnetic resonance imaging
T2 relaxation time imaging