基于第三届全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛关于"无碳小车"的命题要求,对小车进行创新性设计研究。该过程包括:对小车的总体构架设计,在Microsoft Visual C++上编程实验确定重要结构的数据,应用PROE建立小车的三维模型并模拟仿真,最终确定小车动力驱动机构、传动机构、转向机构的方案等,得出小车准确的结构参数。
According to the“ carbon-free car” requirement proposed on the third National Engineering Training Competition of College Students, this paper makes a study of its innovative structural design, including its overall structure design, the C++ programming experiment and 3D modeling by PROE. Then the driving, transmission and steering mechanism scheme is determined to exacfly ob- tain the structural parameters.
Machine Building & Automation