
ICU病人诊断性采血失血量的调查研究 被引量:3

Investigation on blood loss volume in diagnostic blood colleetion of ICU patients
摘要 [目的]了解不同重症监护室(ICU)病人诊断性采血失血量的状况和相关因素。[方法]调查某三级甲等综合性医院6个不同监护室983例病人诊断性采血失血量的现状,并对其相关因素进行分析。[结果]监护室病人平均失血量是(53.14±34.11)mL,外科ICU平均诊断性失血量最多,急诊ICU平均诊断性失血量最少,病人诊断性失血量与病人急性生理功能和慢性健康评估(APACHE)评分呈正相关。[结论]ICU病人诊断性采血失血量大,要积极实施有效的血液保护计划,减少失血量。 To know about the status of blood loss volume in di-agnostic blood collection for different ICU patients and its related fac-tors.Methods:A total of 983 patients in six different ICU in a compre-hensive three grade A hospital were investigated on blood loss volume status quo in diagnostic blood and to analyze it related factors.Results:The average blood loss volume collection of ICU patients was(53.14±34.11)mL,the average diagnostic blood loss volume in SICU was the most,the average diagnostic blood loss in EICU was the least.Patients’ blood loss volume had positive correlation with APACHE score.Conclu-sion:ICU patient’s blood loss volume in diagnostic blood collection is large,and we should take the effective blood conservation plan and to re-duce the diagnostic blood loss volume.
出处 《护理研究(下旬版)》 2014年第10期3722-3724,共3页 Chinese Nursing Researsh
基金 国家级临床护理重点专科院内立项课题 编号:H201207
关键词 监护室 诊断性采血失血 A-PACHE评分 血液保护 ICU diagnostic blood loss collected APACHE score blood conservation
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