
基于错误交互集的组合测试软件故障定位方法 被引量:6

Locating Errors in Combinatorial Testing Using Set of Possible Faulty Interactions
摘要 提出了一种基于错误交互集的组合测试软件故障定位方法.根据组合测试数据的执行结果,生成可能的错误交互集,通过对集合中全部交互进行定性分析,以有效的避免不同测试用例覆盖的相同错误交互被重复定位的情况,减少所需附加测试用例的数目.提出了基于错误密度的测试用例分析方法,将已有测试结果作为先验知识,提高错误定位的效率.最后,经过算法效率分析及实验验证,本文算法能够在保证准确定位错误交互的基础上,有效减少所需附加测试用例的数目. In this paper ,we present an algorithm for locating errors in combinatorial testing ,based on the set of possible faulty interactions (SPFI ) constructed according to the result of combinatorial testing .By introducing the error density of each test case or interaction ,we can analyze every test case which caused faults of the software under test ,and then the additional test cases are generated to locate the faulty interaction .By constructing the set of possible faulty interactions ,the same faulty interactions cov-ered by different test case is avoid to be located repeatedly .And all of the faulty interactions can be located exactly when SPFI is empty .The final empirical results show that the number of test cases needed to locate all faulty interactions can be effectively re-duced .
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1173-1178,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(No.HIT.NSRIF.2012014)
关键词 组合测试 软件故障定位 错误交互集 错误密度 combinatorial testing locating errors set of possible faulty interactions error density
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