1Shelby D.Hunt and Debra A.Laverie. Experientia] Learning and the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics: Teaching Marketing Ethics by Integrating Theory and Practice. Marketing Education Review. (Volume 14, Number 3 Fall 2004). 被引量:1
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3Kolb, D. (1984), Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source oFLearning. Englewood CliFFs. NJ. Prentice-Hall. 被引量:1
4Hunt, S.D. and Laverie, D.B. (2004). Experiential Learning and the Hunt-Vitell Theory of Ethics: Teaching Marketing Ethics by Integrating Theory and Practice. Marketing Education Review. 14 (3), p1-14.14p. 2 Diagrams, 1 Chart. 被引量:1