
经皮侧后路腰椎间孔成形与经椎间孔完全内镜下腰椎间盘摘除术 被引量:20

Percutaneous lumbar foraminoplasty via posterolateral approach and transforaminal endoscopic discectomy
摘要 一、背景 1992年,报道经侧后路内窥镜下进行腰椎间盘摘除术以来,许多学者报告了经椎间孔内窥镜下腰椎间盘摘除术的技术及疗效。完全内镜下腰椎间盘摘除术是指使用带工作通道的硬杆状内镜在持续生理盐水灌洗下进行的微创腰椎间盘摘除手术,分为经椎间孔入路和经椎板间入路两类技术。Yeung等发明的YESS(yeungendoscopicspinesystem)系统是最早的完全内镜手术系统,最早的完全内镜下腰椎间盘摘除术是使用YESS系统经后外侧椎间孔入路进行的由盘内至盘外的操作技术,适用于椎间孔型及极外侧型椎间盘突出,对椎管内包含型突出及韧带下型椎间盘脱出也可以有效处理,但对椎管内脱出及游离髓核无法有效切除。 Conventional open discectomy is a standard surgical method for lumbar disc herniation. But iatrogenic injury to paraspinal muscle and facet joint may cause postoperative chronic low back pain and segamental instability, which can lead to reoccurence of lumbar disc herniation. Epidural scarr fomation arised from flavum resection in open discectomy is inavoidable with 10%of it leading to failed back sugery syndrome. Transforaminal endoscopic discectomy can be performed without iatrogenic injury to paraspinal muscle, facet joint and flavum ligament. Foraminoplasty is a technique that enlarge the low part of intervertebral foramen with different tools so that working channel and endoscope can be introduced into epidural space anterior to dura sac where protruted disc tissue can be targeted resected and nerve root complete decompressed. It can be treated as an alternative surgical technique for lumbar disc herniation.
出处 《中国骨与关节杂志》 CAS 2014年第8期621-625,共5页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint
关键词 内窥镜下腰椎间盘摘除术 内镜手术系统 腰椎间孔 后路 经椎间孔入路 腰椎间盘摘除手术 椎管内脱出 成形 Intervertebral disc displacement Surgical procedures,minimally invasive Spinal stenosis Spinal diseases
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