多孔碳板是一种具有高孔隙率和高导热性能的多孔材料,适合制作燃料电池增湿器,针对这一特性,提出了一种多孔碳板气-气增湿器的基本结构,以停留-扩散时间比和流道内气体流速为设计依据,提出了多孔碳板气-气增湿器的优化设计流程。通过优化设计,使增湿器在燃料电池所需气体流量的条件下工作时,停留-扩散时间比与气体流速均在一定范围之内,既保证增湿器的增湿效率较高,又保证增湿器体积不至于过大。根据该设计方法为一个25 kW燃料电池系统设计了多孔碳板气-气增湿器,能满足增湿要求。
Porous carbon plate is a kind of porous materials with high porosity and high thermal conductivity,which is suitable for making fuel cell humidifier.A basic structure for the porous carbon plate gas-to-gas humidifier was proposed.Based on the ratio of residence time and diffusion time(parameter R) and gas velocity inside the humidifier,the humidifier design process was proposed.By optimizing the design,the parameter R and gas velocity were kept in a certain range so that the humidifier possesses high efficiency and moderate size,when the humidifier operates under the condition that the gas flow satisfies the requirement of the fuel cell.According to the design process,a gas-to-gas porous carbon plate humidifier has been designed for a 25 kW fuel cell system.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering