通过液态培养,研究4种不同培养基(麦芽汁培养基、PDA培养基、蔗糖-酵母浸膏培养基及大米培养基)对紫色红曲霉YY-1菌体生长、红曲色素及桔霉素产生规律的影响。结果显示,YY-1在蔗糖-酵母浸膏培养基中菌体长势最好,发酵至20 d时达到最大生物量,为0.027 g/mL,而利用麦芽汁培养基培养生成的菌丝体最少;色素及桔霉素产生能力最强的是大米培养基,培养至第8天时,3种色素产量达到最大值,红色素、橙色素及黄色素色价分别为5833.05、4493.84、4423.27 U/g,培养至第4天时,桔霉素达到最高峰,其含量为159.755 mg/kg,在蔗糖-酵母浸膏培养基色素及桔霉素产生能力最弱;比较不同培养基产生的色素种类发现,大米培养基有利于红色素的产生,而麦芽汁培养基则利于产生橙色素和黄色素。
Four different mediums(malt medium, PDA medium, sucrose-yeast extract medium and rice medium) were selected to study the effects on the biomass of mycelium, the pigment and citrinin biosynthesis of Monascus purpureus strain YY-1. The results indicated that YY-1 grew faster in sucroseyeast extract medium and its highest biomass could reach 0.027 g/mL on the 20 th day. In malt medium, YY-1 generated the minimal mycelia. In rice medium YY-1 synthesized largest amount of pigments. After 8 days fermentation, red pigment, orange pigment and yellow pigment value reached 5833.05 U/g, 4493.84 U/g, and 4423.27 U/g respectively. The citrinin produced by YY-1 in rice medium reached peak value on the 4th day and the concentration was 159.755 mg/kg. By contrast, the ability of YY-1 to produce pigment and citrinin was weakest in sucrose-yeast extract medium. The result of comparison of pigments produced in different media indicated that in rice medium YY-1 was liable to produce red pigment, while in malt medium it was liable to produce orange and yellow pigment.
Food Science and Technology