
城乡居民的就医选择差异研究 被引量:3

Residents' Choice of Medical Services and Its Difference between Urban and Rural Residents
摘要 文章利用利用2008年中国居民医疗服务调查数据,描述了居民的就医选择模式,比较了城乡居民就医选择的差异。数据显示,居民主要选择整体治疗水平高、口碑好,方便且收费规范的医院和医德、医术兼顾的医生。在城乡差异方面,城市居民主要选择那些有实力且环境舒适的医院,村镇居民更希望医院有良好的服务和友好的态度。城市居民对医生的医德要求更高、更喜欢选专家看病,但对专家有更多的质疑;而村镇居民则倾向于根据病情选医生,也更为信任专家。 Based on the survey data on the Chinese residents' medical service in 2008, this article introduces the ways of residents to seek medical advice and compares the differences between urban and rural residents in seeking medical service. The survey data show that, residents prefer the hospitals that have strong treatment capacity, good reputation, have convenient transportation and standard charges and the doctors that have good medical ethics and medical skills. In terms of urban and rural differences, urban residents mainly choose the hospitals that have strong treatment capacity and comfortable environment, while rural residents prefer the hospitals that provide good services and are patient-friendly. Urban residents have higher requirements on the medical ethics for doctors and prefer to seek medical advice from specialists. However, they have relatively more doubts on specialists. While rural residents prefer to choose doctors on the basis of their pathogenetic conditions and thus have more confidence on specialists.
作者 郭云涛
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2014年第8期40-42,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 城乡居民 就医选择 城乡差异 Chinese residents, residents' choice of medical services, the difference between urban and rural residents
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