
城市交通规划体系框架下的步行和自行车交通 被引量:10

Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation in Urban Transportation Planning System
摘要 为提高步行和自行车交通系统规划的可实施性和可操作性,在城市交通规划体系框架内,找寻突出步行和自行车优先发展的切入点。首先对现行城市规划和交通规划体系框架及工作流程进行剖析。提出在综合交通体系规划中,应明确步行和自行车交通系统的地位和作用、构建独立于机动车道路分级系统的步行和自行车通行道(路)体系,以及在中心城区进行步行和自行车交通分区。重点探讨如何在道路网络、轨道交通线网、枢纽布局、公共交通、停车系统等交通专项规划中突出步行和自行车交通的相关规划要求。最后,探讨步行和自行车交通系统在交通设计工作中的要求。 To enhance the applicability and feasibility of transportation system planning for pedestrian and bicycle, this paper discusses how to promote and prioritize pedestrian and bicycle development in urban transportation planning system. By analyzing the existing urban planning and transportation planning sys-tem and their development framework, the paper points out that while conducting comprehensive transpor-tation system planning, efforts must be made to identify the functionality of pedestrian and bicycle trans-portation system, to build an independent pedestrian and bicycle facility from the roadway classification, and to define pedestrian and bicycle transportation zones in central district. It is critical to recognize the planning requirements for pedestrian and bicycle transportation while conducting transportation planning for a specific system, such as a roadway network, a rail transit network, transportation terminal layout, a public transit system, and a parking system. Finally, the paper discusses the design requirements for pedes-trian and bicycle transportation system.
作者 周乐 戴继锋
出处 《城市交通》 2014年第4期19-26,共8页 Urban Transport of China
关键词 城市交通规划 步行和自行车交通 规划体系 综合交通体系规划 交通专项规划 交通设计 urban transportation planning pedestrian and bicycle transportation planning system compre-hensive transportation system planning specific transportation planning transportation design
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