为了掌握土壤水分与玉米生长发育内在关系,提高土壤水分利用率,统筹调配水资源和防灾减灾提供理论依据,利用1994—2010年山西省忻州市忻府区农业气象观测站春玉米生长季0~50 cm土壤水分和玉米产量观测资料,分析了玉米生长季土壤水分变化规律及对玉米产量的影响。结果表明:春玉米生长季土壤水分年际变化振荡明显,呈多波动变化,与年降水量相关显著;一年中土壤水分变化分为水分消耗期、水分补给期和水分平稳期3个阶段;土壤水分的垂直变化明显,在20~30 cm层含水量最大,0~20 cm为多变层,20~50 cm为缓变层,雨季土壤水分变化较干季复杂;玉米拔节—乳熟期土壤贮水量与气候产量呈正相关,抽雄期是需水临界期,此时0~50 cm土壤贮水量每增加10 mm,产量增加200~250 kg/hm2。
In order to study the relationship between soil moisture and maize growth, improve utilization rate ofsoil water, coordinate deployment of water resources and provide a theoretical basis for disaster prevention andreduction, the author used observation data of 0-50 cm soil moisture of spring maize growing season and yieldof maize in 1994-2010 provided by Agro-meteorological Station in Xin House District, Xinzhou City, ShanxiProvince, to analyze the variation of soil water in maize growing season and its effects on maize yield. Theresults showed that: soil moisture in spring maize growing season had variability oscillation obviously, andrelated to the annual precipitation significantly; soil moisture in a year was divided into 3 phases: waterconsuming stage, water supply and water stable period. The vertical variation of soil moisture was significant,the 20-30 cm layer had the maximum moisture content, 0-20 cm was multiple layer and 20-50 cm was thebuffer layer. Soil moisture variation of rainy season was more complex than that of dry season; water storage insoil and climate yield were positively correlated in maize jointing stage to milk stage. Tasseling stage was thecritical period of water requirement, in which the 0-50 cm soil water storage increased by 10 mm and the yieldincreasedby 200-250kg/hm2.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
spring corn growing season soil water storage climate yield