目的 评价高血压与年龄增长叠加对左心房大小与功能的影响.方法 使用738例社区心血管疾病高危人群横断面资料,按年龄分组(41~ 59岁、60 ~ 69岁、≥70岁)并划分高血压与非高血压亚组.测量左心房容积指数,并使用二维斑点追踪超声心动图技术测量舒张晚期(心房收缩期)左心房应变(Sa)、舒张早期应变(Se)、总应变(Stot=Sa+Se),及舒张晚期应变率(SRa)、收缩期应变率(SRs)、舒张早期应变率(SRe),比较各组上述指标.结果 左心房容积指数非高血压组各年龄段差异无统计学意义,高血压组随年龄增长而增大;左心房通道功能指标(Se、SRe)两组均随年龄增长降低,但各年龄组高血压组均显著低于非高血压组,测值在41~59岁高血压组与60 ~ 69岁非高血压组接近[Se:(11.0±4.4)%比(11.6±4.7)%,SRe:(1.0±0.4)s-1比(1.0±0.3)s-1]、高血压60 ~ 69岁组与非高血压≥70岁组接近[Se:(10.1±4.0)%比(9.5±5.4)%,SRe:(0.9 ±0.3)s-1比(0.8±0.4)s-].左心房储存功能指标(Stot、SRs)、收缩功能指标(Sa、SRa)高血压组随年龄增长而降低,非高血压组无显著变化.结论 单纯年龄增长不导致左心房扩大,高血压与年龄增长叠加造成左心房扩大.高血压加速年龄增长所致左心房时相功能障碍.
Objective To assess the effect of combined hypertension (HT) and aging on left atrial (LA) size and phasic function.Methods This evaluation was based on the data from a cross-sectional study including 738 subjects with high risk for cardiovascular disease from an urban community in Beijing.Subjects were divided into 3 groups according to age (41-59,60-69 and ≥70 years) and further into HT and non-HT sub-groups.LA volume index were calculated and LA global longitudinal strain in late diastole (Sa),early diastole (Se),and total strain (Stot =Sa + Se),and strain rate in late diastole (SRa),systole (SRs),and early diastole (SRe) were measured using off-line speckle-tracking echocardiography.Results LA volume index increased significantly in HT groups with aging,whereas no changes could be viewed in non-HT subjects among all age groups.LA conduit index (Se and SRe) decreased with aging in both HT and non-HT subjects with more sever in HT subjects than in non-HT subjects in all age groups.The LA conduit index in 41-59 year-HT,and in 60-69 year-HT subjects were comparable with that in 60-69 year-non-HT subjects [Se (11.0 ±4.4)% vs (11.6 ±4.7)%,SRe (1.0 ±0.4) s-1 vs (1.0 ±-0.3) s-1],and in ≥70 year-non-HT subjects [Se(10.1 ±4.0)% vs (9.5 ±5.4)%,SRe (0.9 ±0.3)s-1 vs (0.8 ± 0.4) s-1],respectively.LA reservoir (Stot and SRs) and contraction (Sa and SRa) index also decreased with aging in HT but not in non-HT subjects.Conclusions Aging along does not lead to LA enlargement in subjctes,but it does when combined HT.There is synergistic effect of HT and aging on LA volume and phasic function.
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine