对鸭儿芹属(Cryptotaenia DC.)的鸭儿芹(C.japonica Hassk.)、深裂鸭儿芹[C.japonica Hassk.f.dissecta(Y.Yabe)Har]、紫叶鸭儿芹[C.japonica var.atropurea(Makino)Ohwi]和北美鸭儿芹[C.canadensis(L.)DC.]的不同栽培技术进行了研究。采用林下仿生栽培和无遮阴的露地栽培方法对鸭儿芹、深裂鸭儿芹、紫叶鸭儿芹和北美鸭儿芹进行人工栽培,结果表明,林下仿生栽培条件下的4种鸭儿芹属植物栽培性状均优于露地无遮阴栽培。在林下仿生栽培条件下的产量高于无遮阴露地栽培。说明鸭儿芹、深裂鸭儿芹、紫叶鸭儿芹和北美鸭儿芹更能适应林下仿生栽培条件,明显增产;林下仿生栽培条件下北美鸭儿芹产量最高,且远高于其他种类。结合生物学特性和农艺性状进行综合比较分析,北美鸭儿芹产量高,紫叶鸭儿芹植株紫色,两者均可周年多次收获。
The comparisons of cultivation techniques of Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk., C. japonica Hassk. f. dissecta (Y. Yabe) Hara, C. japonica var. atropurea(Makino) Ohwi and C. canadensis (L.) DC were carried out. The 4 materials were cultivated in condition of bionic cultivation under woods and non-mulching cultivation. The results showed that the agronomic traits in condition of bionic cultivation under woods were superior to that of non-mulching cultivation. The bio-masses in condition of bionic cultivation under woods were higher than those under the non-mulching cultivation. The bionic cultivation under woods promoted the increase of bio-mass for C. japonica,C. japonica f. dissecta, C. japonica var. atropurea,C. Canadensis.C. canadensis had the highest bio-mass under bionic cultivation under woods, and obviously higher than that of the others. According to comprehensive analysis of biological characteristics and agronomic traits,C. canadensis had the features of high yield. C. japonica var. atropurea was purple. Both could be harvested many times per year.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences