We calculate the elasticities of substitution between domestic inputs and importsbased on small open economy DSGE model, and estimate it through Bayesian method,then use Korea data doing empirical analysis. Elasticities of substitution between capi-tal (labor) and import is about 5.5, and is about 0.496 between capital and labor. Elasticitiesof substitution between capital and import and labor and import are not equal, however,through empirical analysis, but the former value is extremely close, the latter one is a littlesmaller. We also find that the elasticities of substitution between domestic inputs and importsare decreasing during the sample period, while the elasticity of substitution between capitaland labor is upward. Finally, we find the elasticity of substitution between capital and laboris smaller than 1, which is also smaller than the Bayesian estimation result.
Nankai Economic Studies