
澳大利亚整体政府信息化治理 被引量:16

Information Governance for Whole-of-Government Cross-Agency Collaboration in Australia
摘要 为了突破新公共管理改革带来的管理碎片化和政府空心化困境,发达国家整体政府建设的显著特征就是以跨部门协同的方式应对社会突发性和复杂性问题。尽管行政改革确实能部分地解决部门间的利益冲突、职能重叠和各自为政等问题,但从整体治理实践活动的各个环节来看,忽视跨部门信息共享与协同,很难达到整体性治理模式的预期目标,因为整体治理需要依赖信息网络技术搭建政府管理服务平台、改善政府内部的业务流程。本文利用澳大利亚鲜活的实践案例,系统梳理整体政府信息化治理的发展背景、体制结构和运行机制,借以为中国推行国家治理和提高政府治理能力提供及时有效的工具参考和借鉴。 To break through dilemmas of managerial fragmentation and hollow government caused by the reform of new public management, a prominent feature of whole--of--government construction in developed countries is to use the means of cross--agency collaboration to taekle the social emergencies and complicated problems. However, without advanced ICT and networking or efficient and effective information interoperatable platforms, it is hard to realize expected objec- tives of integral cross--agency information sharing and collaboration. Based on the latest practices in Australia, this paper examines the context, capacity, structure and mechanisms of information governance in the process of whole--of --government construction, aiming to provide timely and significant references for China to advance its state governance and government capacity.
作者 孙迎春
机构地区 国家行政学院
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期112-118,共7页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"整体政府视角下的中国政府跨部门协同机制研究"(编号:71173004)
关键词 跨部门协同 信息化治理 整体政府 澳大利亚 cross--agency collaboration, information governance, whole--of--government, Australia
  • 相关文献


  • 1Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. lnJbr- mation Policy and E--governance in the Australian (;overnment, July 2009. 被引量:1
  • 2Australian Government Information Management Office. Australian Government Information [nterop- erability Framework: Sharing Information across Boundaries, April 2006. 被引量:1
  • 3Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. lnJbr- nation Policy and E- governance in the Auslralian ;overnment, July 2009. 被引量:1
  • 4Australian Information Commissioner Bill 2010 -- Revised Explanatory Memorandum. Australian Government Information Management Office. Australian Governemnt lnJbrmation lnterop- erability Framework: Sharing Infi)rmation across Boundaries, April 2006. 被引量:1
  • 5Australian Government Information Management Office. National Government Infirmation Sharing Strategy : Unlocking Government Information Assets to Ben<fit the Broader Co m m unity, August 2009. 被引量:1
  • 6Australian Government Information Management Office. "Responsive Government: A New Service A- genda". 2006 e--(;overnment Strategy, March 2006. 被引量:1
  • 7Australian Government Information Management Office. National Collaboration Framework, 2011. 被引量:1
  • 8Australian Government Information Management Office. National Standards Framezuork Jbr (;overn- ment , August 2009. 被引量:1











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