
柬埔寨桔井省和实据省热带季雨林乔木层特征 被引量:3

Characteristics of arbor layer species of tropical seasonal rain forests in Kraite province and Kampong Speu province,Cambodia
摘要 采用标准样地法,对柬埔寨桔井省斯努县、桔井县和实据(磅斯卑)省奥拉县的低地季雨林乔木层植物多样性、重要值和材积等特征进行了分析,以期为深入了解柬埔寨热带森林的组成和生态学特征提供基础资料。结果表明:3个地区森林乔木树种的密度、平均胸径、基部盖度和平均材长均以斯努的样地最大,桔井次之,奥拉最低。乔木胸径以10—50 cm为主,材长以2—11 m居多。3地森林乔木优势种,斯努为副萼紫薇(Lagerstroemia calyculata)和交趾油楠(Sindora cochinchinensis),桔井为香坡垒(Hopea odorata)、铁坡垒(H.ferrea)、钝形娑罗双(Shorea obtuse)和木荚豆(Xylia xylocarpa),奥拉为钝叶龙脑香(Dipterocarpus obtusifolius)、钝形娑罗双和铁坡垒。不同地区森林总材积差异大,斯努为388.176 m3·hm–2,桔井247.217 m3·hm–2,奥拉70.991 m3·hm–2,总体上体现出3地森林有各自独特的生态学特征。 By using a standard sampling method, we analyzed the diversity, important value, and wood volume of arbor species which were affiliated with lowland seasonal rainforests in Snoul and Kraite county in Kraite province, and Aoral county in Kampong Speu province, Cambodia, and provided evidence and basic data for elucidating the ecological characteristics of tropical forests in Cambodia. The results showed that forest in Snoul county had the highest values in tree density, mean diameter of breast height, canopy coverage, and wood length of forest, followed by forest in Kraite county and forest in Aoral as the last. The arbor diameters of breast height were mostly between 10 and 50 cm, while the wood lengths were between 2 and 11 m. The dominant arbor species in the three sampling forest sites were listed as Lagerstroema calyculata, Sindora cochinchinensis in Snoul county, Hopea odorata, H. ferrea, Shorea obtuse, and Xylia xylocarpa in Kraite county, and Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, Shorea botuse, and Hopeaferrea in Aoral county. Total wood volumes of the forest were 388.176 m3·hm-2 in Snoul county, 247.217 m3·hm-2 in Kraite county, and 70.991 m3·hm-2 in Aoral county, with significant differences each other among the three sampling forests. Our studies suggest that the forests in three sites had significant variations in community composition and displayed unique ecological characteristics.
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期12-19,共8页 Ecological Science
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目(S2012010009714) 广州市教育局科普项目(12A102和13B022-02)
关键词 热带季雨林 乔木 优势种 材积 柬埔寨 tropical seasonal rain forest arbor dominant species volume of wood Cambodia
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