目的 总结经耳后内镜辅助下茎突截短术的临床应用经验和有助于定位茎突的解剖标志.方法 对2012年1月~2013年8月本院符合茎突综合征诊断标准的10例患者进行经耳后内镜辅助下茎突截短术.结果 经耳后内镜辅助下茎突截短术的重要的解剖标志包括腮腺后极和胸锁乳突肌前缘和二腹肌后腹,所有患者均通过依次显露上述标志后成功定行茎突并截短,切口长度2.1±0.5 cm,手术时间54.5±11.7 min,截除茎突长度:左侧2.8±0.8 cm,右侧2.6±0.7cm.10例患者中7例术后主诉症状完全缓解,2例症状好转,1例无明显缓解;随访12.1±4.5月症状无复发,1例术后出现耳周麻木感,3个月后消失,无患者出现面瘫.结论 经耳后内镜辅助下茎突截短术疗效肯定,微创美观.在手术过程中显露腮腺后极和胸锁乳突肌前缘和二腹肌后腹等解剖标志,可有效地定位茎突,提高手术质量,适合广大基层医院.
Objective To summarize the clinical experience of endoscope-assisted styloidectomy via postauricular incision and the anatomic landmarks of styloid process location. Methods Ten patients with Eagle's syndrome underwent surgery from January 2012 to August 2013,and the surgical procedure was performed by endoscope-assisted styloidectomy via postauricular incision. Results The important anatomic landmarks of endoscope-assisted styloidectomy via postauricular incision included posterior border of parotid, anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and posterior belly of digastric muscles. All patients were successfully located and truncated styloid process by serially exposed these anatomic landmarks mark. Incision length was 2.1 ±0.5 cm. The operative time was 54.5±11.7 min. Amputation length of styloid process on left side was 2.8±0.8 cm and 2.6 ± 0.7 cm on the right side. In 10 patients, 7 patients' symptoms were completely relieved, 2 patients' symptoms were improved and 1 case had no obvious relief. No recurrent case was found in 12.1±4.5 months of follow-up. One ease had ear numbness on one side after surgery for 3 months and no ease suffered facial paralysis. Conclusion Endoscope-assisted styloidectmny via postauricular incision is a effective, minimally invasive and postoperative appearance procedure. Precisely located styloid process need to serially expose the anatomic landmarks, such as endoscope-assisted styloidectomy via postauricular incision included posterior border of parotid, anterior border of the sternoeleidomastoid muscle and posterior belly of digastric muscles. Followed these procedures would help to increased the operation quality and be benefit for patients with Eagle's syndrome.
Lingnan Modern Clinics in Surgery
Endoscopy surgery
Anatomic landmark