研究了丁腈橡胶/聚氯乙烯共混胶(NV5075)替代丁腈橡胶和氯丁橡胶,用作钢丝编织液压胶管的胶料。试验表明,该共混物作为胶管内胶、中胶和外胶有许多优点,诸如耐臭氧老化优良、耐油性能提高、抗撕裂性能改善、门尼焦烧时间长(加工安全)、挤出性能好、表面光滑、不赶胶、挤出的内外管坯挺性好、挤出膨胀率低、尺寸稳定性好等。通过合理的配方设计,胶管成品的全部检验项目均符合国家标准GB/T 3683—2011的要求。
An NBR/PVC blend(NV 5075) replaced NBR and CR in compounds of wire braided hydraulic hose was studied.The test shows that the blend as compound of inner, intermediate and outer rubber layer in the hose has various advantages,for example, good ozone resistance, higher oil resistance, improved abrasion and tear resiatance,longer Mooney scorch time(safy processing), good extrusion process, surface smoothness, no surging, good stiffness of the tube and cover extrudate, lower die swell, improved dimensional stability. Through the reasonable formula design of compounds, all inspection items of the finished hose is accordance with requirements of the standard GB/T 3683-2001.
World Rubber Industry