自改革开放以来 ,我国劳动关系发生了很大的变化。随着社会主义市场经济的建立和完善以及国际竞争的加剧和国内产业结构的进一步调整 ,劳动合同作为调整劳动关系的法律文件 ,在劳动管理中的作用越来越重要 ,劳动合同的作用和实际履约直接影响着劳动关系的稳定。在建立现代企业制度的过程中 ,有许多用人单位和劳动者仍不善于运用法律手段调整劳动关系 ,为此 ,本文就如何进一步完善我国的劳动合同制度提出了一些法律思考。
This essay presents the author's views of how to better legal system of labor contract in China. Great changes in labor relationship have taken place since China adopted the policy of reforming and opening. With the establishment and improvement of socialist and market\|driven economy in China and stronger international competition as well as China's further adjustment of domestic industrial structure, labor contract as the legal document which defines labor relationship, is playing a more and more important role in labor management. In real practice, labor contract also has a direct influence on the stability of labor relationship. However, today when modern enterprise system is being established in China, many employers and employees is unaware of using legal means to regulate labor relationship.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University