研究了双金属氰化物催化环氧丙烷聚合反应中 ,温度、压力、催化剂浓度、环氧丙烷浓度、起始剂浓度等因素与反应诱导期的关系。结果表明 :温度、压力、催化剂浓度、环氧丙烷浓度与诱导期成反比 ,而起始剂浓度与诱导期成正比。以此推测 ,DMC催化 PO聚合的机理与传统的碱催化机理不同 ,首先生成的活性中间体可能是 DMC与 PO结合的中间体 ,此中间体再与起始剂作用生成聚醚多元醇 ,这就是
It has been studied that the relationships between the induction periods and the polymerization conditions, such as the reaction temperature, the reaction pressure, the concentration of catalyst, the concentration of PO, the concentration of starter. The results show that the induction periods reduces following the increase of the reaction temperature, the reaction pressure, the concentration of catalyst, the concentration of PO respectively, while it increases following the increase of the concentration of starter. This suggests that the catalyst mechanism of DMC is different from that of KOH. The active species may be the intermediate formed by DMC with PO ,and it may contribute to the exceptionally low unsaturations of the DMC polyol.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology