对人的教育应是符合人性的教育 ,它应使受教育者生命更健康、人格更完美、个性更突出、心灵更自由、与世界更和谐、生存得更有价值和意义。我们应为学生创设一个和谐安宁的、充满文化氛围的校园环境 ,应尊重学生的个性和天性 ,通过生命体验和潜意识的发掘 ,使学生不仅获得应有的知识和智慧 ,而且获得“人格之爱的精神世界”。
Educating people should be that in accordance with humanity.It should make the educated live a more valuable and significant life with sound mind,healthy body,perfect personality,prominent individuality,free soul,and being in harmony with the world.For students we should create a campus environment in harmony and peace full of cultural aura.We should respect students' individuality and natural character.We should have them enjoy life experience and explore their subconsciousness in order that they not only acquire due knowledge and wisdom but also gain 'a spiritual world with personality loved'.
Journal of Teachers College of Shanxi University