本文试验设备主要由 GP10—CW5型高频感应加热装置、复合式感应圈、试样座,热疲劳温度循环自动控制器及冷却系统几部分组成。在循环加热、冷却条件下,试样表层承受着周期性的多维热应力,经一定循环次数后根据试样表层的龟裂网纹形貌对照标准图谱评定材料的抗热疲劳性能,具有操作方便、模拟性强的特点,适合于模具钢的热疲劳性能研究。
This paper describes evaluation method of thermal fatigue behaviour and atest equipment, which was self designed and used to measure thermal fatigue be-haviour of die steels. This equipments mainly consist of GP10-CW 5 typehigh-frequency induction heating equipment, complex induction coil, sample sac-ting,, thermal fatigue temperature cycle self-controller and cooling system etc.Under the conditions of cyclic heating and cooling, the surface of sample is su-bjected to cyclic multi-dimensional thermal stress. After given cycling numberaccording to network crack on the surface of the sample and the evaluation ofthermal-fatigue behaviour of die steels is carried out by comparing it with stan-dard scale. This method has characteristics of operation in simple and goodin simulation, suitable for studing thermal fatigue behaviour of die steel.
die steel
thermal fatigue
thermal fatigue behaviour