“六五”以来 ,国内 5 N电子级高纯氨制备中长期存在水纯化曲线“马鞍形”现象和瓶装高纯氨中 O2 、N2 、CH4 等杂质反弹等技术难点及包装容器的落后与生产规模过小 ,使国内生产的瓶装高纯氨的质量长期徘徊在 5 N的水平 ,且很不稳定。针对上述技术难点进行克服和突破 ,说明了我院 5 .5 N以上超纯氨研制及产业化在技术上的进展。介绍了包装容器及氨中杂质尤其是氨中痕量水分析的有关工作。本工作对我国电子工业的发展将会产生一定的促进作用。
In the study and production of ultra high purity grade(≥5 5 N)ammonia,there are many key technical problems previously,including trace water removing,O 2、N 2、CH 4 impurities unsteadiness in product ammonia,product packing,small in production scale.All these problems have been solved successfully by many experiments and established a 50 t/a ultra high purity ammonia production line.In this article,we introduce the process of 5 5 N ultra high purity ammonia production and the method of ammonia analyses especially analysis of trace water in ammonia.
Low Temperature and Specialty Gases
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