随着对乙型肝炎治疗的深入研究 ,对乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV DNA)数量的确诊显得尤其重要。本文采用RealTimeQuantitativePCR(简称RQ PCR)方法 ,对 2 84例经ELISA检定的乙型肝炎患者血清标本进行HBV DNA定量检测。结果有 96例HBsAg(+ ) HBeAg(+ ) HBcAb(+ )的血清标本RQ PCR阳性率为 10 0 % ,病毒平均量 5 0 2× 10 5拷贝 μl;87例HBsAg(+ ) HBeAb(+ ) HBcAb(+ )的血清标本RQ PCR阳性率为 4 4% (38例 ) ,病毒平均量 1 0 2× 10 3 拷贝 μl,5 3例HBsAg(+ ) HBcAb(+ )的血清标本RQ PCR阳性率为 5 8% (31例 ) ,病毒平均量 6 6 9× 10 4拷贝 μl;而 4 6例正常对照组经检测全为阴性。可见RQ PCR的检测结果反映了不同患者的病情 ,对乙型肝炎的诊断、治疗具有临床指导价值。
With the development of human hepatitis B viral therapy research,we find that the quantitation of virus is very important for monitoring of HBV replication.In this paper,we use a sensitive and accurate method of Real Time Quantitation PCR to detect 284 clinical serum specimens,which have tested by ELISA method at the same thime.The result indicated that the average of virus quantitation is 5.02×10\+5 copies/μl of HBV in 96 HBsAg(+)/HBeAg(+)/HBcAb(+) serum sample,with a positive rate of 100%,1.02×10\+3 copies/μl of HBV in 87 HBsAg(+)/HBeAb(+)/HBcAb(+) serum sample,with a positive rate of 44%,and 6.69×10\+4 copies/μl of HBV in 53HBsAg(+)/HBcAb(+)serum sample,with a positive rate of 58%.In the normal control group,the RQ\|PCR results are all negative.From the result,we can make a conclusion that RQ\|PCR results reflect the difference HBV patients' case.The result of RQ\|PCR has great conductive value for clinical diagnosis and therapy.\;
China Biotechnology