金融危机发生的原因具有复杂性和多样性。从不同角度对金融危机生成原因和演绎路径的研究 ,对不同经济体、不同时期的金融危机具有一定的解释力。第一代货币危机理论强调实际经济因素导致危机出现的关键作用 ,而第二代货币危机理论更注重危机的随机性以及不确定性 ;基于金融中介的危机理论解释了银行业危机生发、演化的具体机理 ;新兴市场经济国家的金融危机具有与发展的初始条件和选择的制度改革与演化路径有关的特定原因 ;金融市场全球化背景下的金融危机具有不容忽略的国际传递性。
There are complicated and diversified causes of financial crises. Studies from different angles can, to some extent, explain the causes and evolving paths of financial crises in different economies during different periods. First-generation monetary crisis theories emphasize the key role of actual economic factors in contributing to crises while second-generation theories lay more stress on the randomness and uncertainty of financial crises; the theories based on financial intermediaries explain the specific mechanism for the occurrence and evolution of banking crises; financial crises in emerging market economies have to do with their initial conditions for development and chosen institutional paths of reform and evolution; the international contagion of financial crises cannot be ignored against the background of financial market globalization.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics