可持续发展强调发展的持续性、公平性、整体性和共同性 ,是人类发展观的重大变革。西部地区位于我国大江大河上游 ,是全国重要的生态屏障。但这里水土流失严重、沙漠化迅速扩展、环境污染严重 ,致使生态环境更加脆弱 ,形势十分严峻。鉴于此 ,西部大开发必须走可持续发展的道路 ;要树立资源和环境有限的思想 ;因地制宜、因害设防 ,加快实施山川秀美工程 ;搞好环境污染治理 ;加强法制建设 ,依法保护生态环境 ;增加投入 ,合理使用资金 。
The steady development puts more stress on its stability,justice,integrity and mutuality,it is a significant revolution in the viewpoint of human development. West China,situated along the great rivers,is an important ecological protection. However,the erosion of water and soil,rapid expansion of desert and environmental pollution have resulted in serious problems. Therefore,it is imperative that development of Western China follow the path to its steady development.The conception of the limited resources and environment should be kept in mind. Adaptation to the local conditions,protection against natural disasters and implementation of landscape beatification are of great importance.Law construction should be enhanced.The ecological environment should be protected.Investment should be increased,capital should be made the best use of in order to be more successful in its development.