老参地问题是制约参业发展的重大难题 ,笔者在总结前人关于老参地研究成果和经验的基础上 ,采取了测土施肥、有益微生物菌剂处理、酸碱度调整等土壤处理方法 ,成功地实现了老参地的短期再利用 ,建立了周期为 1~ 3年的人参和西洋参的短期轮作体系。在处理后的老参地上种植西洋参 ,其长势、产量、病虫害及烧须情况、总皂苷含量等 ,与对照地新林土栽参无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。并开展了中试规模的推广 ,试验结果显示 ,老参地短期轮作制是改造老参地的有效措施之一 ,该轮作技术方法应用简便、实用 ,可操作性强 ,轮作效果好。
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng C A Meyer) and American ginseng ( P quinquefolius L ) are important medicinal herbs in China Usually, the used ginseng land (land that has ever been used as a garden for cultivating ginseng) would not be used again in cultivating ginseng for about 30 years but rotating some kinds of trees, which is a main limited factor to ginseng industry The experiments in this paper suggest there are some methods in solving this problem One is the fertilizer based on soil investigation; another is the pH improved chemical, and one kind of bacterial manure is very helpful in increasing the effects of soil improvements The results show that American ginseng grows well in the improved ginseng land, with high yield, and fewer incidences of diseases and pests than control The techniques of cultivating American ginseng in the used ginseng land will also benefit environment protection
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University
吉林省科技厅资助项目 (吉科合字 970 2 0 6-15号 )