随着塔里木河流域内人口的增长 ,经济社会的发展 ,对水资源开发利用程度的不断提高 ,塔里木河流域已成为新疆乃至全国生态环境劣变问题最为突出的地区之一。其中缺乏流域水资源的统一管理是造成塔里木河下游断流和生态环境劣变的主要因素之一。通过对塔里木河流域水资源统一管理的必要性、发展历史、现状及存在的问题等方面的分析 ,结合我国水法规、政策、管理体制建设的最新成果 ,提出了塔里木河流域实施水资源统一管理的对策和建议。
Tarim River basin is the largest inland river basin in China, located in south Xinjang of northwest China. It covers 1.05×10 6km 2 and is shared by five prefectures. It has population of 8.26×10 6 and cultivated land of 110.3×10 4 hm 2. It has become one of the most potential areas for development in implementing the Strategy of Developing China's West. However the eco environment in the basin has been degraded with the population growth, economic and social development since 1950. Extensive Reclamation in the tributary areas requires a large volume of water diverted to the local irrigation areas, resulting in a continuous decrease of stream water flowing to the Tarim mainstream from the tributaries and the downstream stream cut off for about 320km in length, even no discharge in an extremely watery year. The eco environment degradation in the Tarim downstream known as 'Green Corridor' has been expedited. It is evident that there is no any regulating mechanism to control the wasteful water consumption in the prefectures of the tributaries. The unified water management at basin scale should be established in so as tackle these issues. Water management has been stressed on by the governments at all levels since the beginning of 1970's. The establishment of Tarim River Basin Management Bureau and Commission in 1992 was the attempt to commence the unified water management in Tarim River basin. Accordingly 'Interim Provisions for Water Administration and Water Resources Management of Tarim River Basin' was also issued in so as legally enforce the implementation of the unified water management. However, it was ineffectively implemented because of the irrational institutional arrangements and authorized powers and functions. The stream water flowing to Tarim mainstream was still in decrease and no water discharged to downstream. The new Tarim Catchment Water Resources Commission was established according to the 'Regulations on Tarim Catchment Water Resources Management of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region' is
Arid Land Geography
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :79870 0 88)资助
Tarim River basin
unified water resources management