塔里木河干流在2005年阿拉尔站的年径流量为57.18×10~8 m^3,属丰水年,上、中、下游耗水量分别为31.63×10~8 m^3、18.93×10~8 m^3、7.206×10~8 m^3。1960-2004年新渠满站水文断面河床总淤积厚度达120 cm,由于河床淤积,洪水漫溢不断增大,导致上游段耗水量呈不断增加趋势。2005年实施了第七次生态输水,向下游"绿色走廊"输水2.80×10~8 m^3。从2000-2005年向塔里木河下游绿色走廊应急输水,共七次累计输水时间900天,前期主要利用开都—孔雀河处在丰水期的有利时机,后期靠塔里木河流域综合治理成果和上游三源流的水量增加。总计从博斯腾湖和干流调水25.06×10~8 m^3,自大西海子水库泄洪闸向塔里木河最下游河道输水量达20.40×10~8 m^3。2005年水头连续五次到达台特玛湖,不仅使塔里木河下游绿色走廊生态条件得到了改善,而且也使干流两侧胡杨林生态林草得到较快的恢复,并使塔里木河干流全程流水的受损河流生态系统得到了修复。塔里木河干流区域林草面积142.1×10~4 hm^2,其中上游段46.8×10~4 hm^2,约占干流林草总面积的33.0%,位居第二,中游段81.1×10~4 hm^2,占总面积的57.1%,位居第一,而下游段14.1×10~4 hm^2,占总面积的9.9%,位居第三。结果显示,塔里木河干流上游、中游的植被面积与水量消耗极不协调。2001-2005年上游消耗水量均超过了塔里木河干流初始水权比例下的分配额度。为了保障塔里木河干流实现永久输水和维护其区域生态功能,建议急需对上游河段采取河道整治和疏浚等工程措施,进一步调整干流上、中、下游区水量泄放比例,才能使得塔里木河的综合治理实现生态河流目标。
The mainstream of the Tarim River extends 1 321 km to Taitema Lake. In 2005, stream flow at the Aler Gauging Station where the Tarim River begins was 57. 18 × 10^8 m^3, it belongs to a high flow year.The interzone water consumptions are estimated to be 31. 63 × 10^8 m^3 at the upper course, 18. 93 × 10^8 m^3 at the middle stream and 7. 206 ×10^8 m^3 at the down stream in the Tarim River mainstream.The riverbed of the Xinquman Station was filled up from 1960 to 2004 and the total thickness of sediment was 120 cm, while the average sediment discharge at Aler was 2 283 × 10^4 t/a. Due to the riverbed filling up and flood flowage increasing continually, they made the water consumption of the upper course rising trend ceaselessly.The ecological water transportation to the green corridor for the lower reaches of the Tarim River from 2000 to 2005 accounted 7 times for 6 years with accumulative total of 900 days,by using the favorable opportunity of high flow years of the Kaidou-Kongjie river at first stage and water-saving measures in the integrated rehabilitation for 3 source rivers of the Tarim River at later stage. The water volume of 25.06 × 10^8 m^3 were transported from Bosten Lake and the mainstream, the water transportation to river courses of lower reaches reached 20.4 × 10^8 m^3 at the sluice of the Daxihaizi reservoir, and the water was reached Taitema Lake five times. 2005 was a milestone year with the fifth water flowing into Taitema Lake continuously. Transporting water in 7 times are not only improving the ecological condition for the green corridor at the lower reaches of the Tarim River, but also recovering the ecological Populus diversifolia and forest-grasses of both banks along the mainstream more quickly, and coming back the river ecological system injured before in the whole course of flowing water at the mainstream of the Tarim River. There were forest land and grassland of 142. 1× 10^4 hm^2 in area in the mainstream valley, among them 46.9 × 10^4 hm^2 in the upper reach, which occupied 3
Arid Land Geography
operating water transportation
ecological efficiency
the mainstream of the Tarim River