哈佛大学、名古屋大学和巴黎理工学校三所名牌大学本科生课程体系各具特色 ,体现了发达国家高等教育课程设置中的共性 ,同时也反映了当今国际高教领域新的办学理念和人才观 ,值得借鉴。改革大学课程体系 ,培养创新人才 ,是我国高教改革具有攻坚意义的重要课题。
The regular course system of Harvard University, Nagoya University and Paris Polytechnic Institute has its specific features, and embodies the commonness for new university running ideal and viewpoint of personnel in the current intemational higher education field at the same time, which is worth being used for reference. In the face of the challenge of the new century and China joining in WTO, the reform of the university course system and the cultivation of creative personnel is a usually important subject for deepening the higher education reform in country. We are able to obtain some beneficial revelations from the course reform experience and relevant countermeasure of famous universities in foreign countries.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science