地形漫游在仿真、模拟、虚拟现实等领域中有着广泛应用 .大规模地形的实时漫游算法一般采用视见体裁剪和与视点相关的连续细节层次等技术来减少实际绘制的地形数据量 .通过地形分块和视见体投影三角形扫描算法实现快速裁剪 ,通过调整顶点的高度值消除裂缝 ,通过基于三角形的四叉分割实现连续细节层次地形简化 ,简化了算法实现 ,提高了算法效率 .在没有利用帧连贯性的情况下 ,算法可以在 PC机上实现较大规模地形的快速交互式漫游 .
Terrain walkthrough has been widely used in gam es,VR,sim ulation and GIS,etc. To interactively render terrains on large data sets,one mustuse efficientm ethods to cull and simplify the terrain data.But for dense data sets,currentm ethods of view frustum culling and crack elim inating often lead to decline in performance.In this paper new faster m ethods are presented for block- based terrain walkthrough:a fast scanning is used for view frustum culling based on the projection of the view frustum on x- y plane;as for crack elim inating,elevation of the vertices which causes the crack is altered rather than splitting neighboring triangles—— though it can cause T- junctions.These methods are very fast.They require m uch less m em ory than traditional m ethods and hence can handle larger datasets as well as making interactive terrain walkthrough on PC platform possible with appropriate hardware acceleration.
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
国家自然科学基金 (60 0 3 3 0 10 )资助