学分制是一种适应大众化高等教育的教学管理制度。在教学管理上推行学分制 ,有利于因材施教、发展个性 ,有利于课程体系、教学内容与教学方法的改革 ,有利于建立和发展边缘学科、新兴学科 ,有利于教学管理制度和教学管理手段的更新。但学分制的实施 ,需要一定的内部条件 :制订弹性教学计划 ,开设足够数量和高质量的选修课 ,发挥师生的积极作用 ,实行淘汰制 ,建立一支高水平教师队伍 ,实行学校管理制度综合配套。
Credit system is a teaching management system suited to popular higher education. Implementing credit system is conducive to teaching according to students' aptitude, developing their individuality, reforming the system and content of courses and methodology, establishing and developing new and frontier disciplines and renewing existing system and means of teaching management. But implementing credit system requires certain preconditions. These include flexible teaching plans, offer of more and better optional courses, fuller play on the part of both teachers and students, implementation of elimination system, highly qualified faculty and a complete set of comprehensive system of school management.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University