目的 :提出一种重建完全性截瘫患者部分感觉、运动和大小便功能的方法并对其机制进行初步探讨。方法 :5例完全性外伤性截瘫患者。游离损伤平面以上 2条带血管的肋间神经 ,远断端切断 ,通过皮下隧道引至脊髓损伤处 ,将肋间神经外膜纵行切开后与脊髓损伤处上下段切开的脊髓外膜侧侧缝合 ,远断端经处理后埋入马尾神经丛。结果 :随访 1.5~ 2年 ,4例感觉平面均较术前下降 2~ 3个节段 ,大小便功能均较术前有不同程度的好转 ,且随时间延长逐步提高 ;1例无效。运动功能均无明显恢复。结论 :带血管的肋间神经转位与脊髓、马尾神经侧侧缝合 ,可以重建完全性截瘫患者的部分感觉和大小便功能。
Objective: To introduce a new method for reconstruct partial sensory and urinary function of complete paraplegia. Methods:2 segments of vascularized intercostal nerve above the paraplegic level were harvested and transferred to the injury of spine cord through a subcutaneous tunnel, the epineurium of intercostal nerve were incised and anastomosed to dura mater of injury by side-to-side neurorrhaphy, the distal end were into cauda equina nerve. Results:All cases were followed up for 12 to 18 months, 4 cases got sensory function recovery of 2~3 segments and had various degree recovery of urinary function. The function was improved with time elongate, 1 cases ineffective; The movement of all cases did recover. Conclusion: After the vasculariaed intercostal nerve transferring to anastomosis dura mater, cauda equina nerve can reconstruct the partial function of complete patraplegia, for some patients, it can improved the life quality.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
山东省青岛市科技发展计划基金资助 (编号 :2 0 0 1KNS -E -1)