新闻实习是新闻传播教育的重要环节。如何组织新闻实习以取得最佳教育效果 ,这是国内各新闻院、系面临的共同课题。文章从实习内容安排、实习时间安排、指导实习的方法、落实实习单位的途径、对实习生的发稿要求、实习经费的运用等方面 ,对这个问题进行了比较全面的探讨 。
Journalistic Practice is an important link in journalistic education. How to organise it to get the best result is the mutual concern of home journalistic colleges and departments. This article comprehensively analyses journalistic practice in many aspects such as how to set its substance, how to schedule, how to guide and how to make sure of the workplace where students do their field work as well as the requirements of news writing and fund use of it. Additionally, it puts forward the practical model.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition