高浓啤酒稀释工艺是指糖化的高浓麦汁在发酵前或发酵后,与定量的无菌脱氧水混合至所需浓度的啤酒生产工艺。该工艺生产的啤酒清爽、口感纯正、杀口力强,非生物稳定性高,工艺、质量便于控制;可大幅度降低水、电、煤的消耗;提高设备利用率和劳动生产率,提高产量15 %~50%。其缺点:(1)糖化收得率低;(2)成品CO2含量偏低;(3)溶解氧控制不好,易造成啤酒老化味;(4)必须控制稀释水中各离子含量。(孙悟)
The dilution of high concentration mash meant that saccharified high concentration wort was blended with certain amount of aseptic deaerated water to achieve the required mash concentration before or after the fermentation. The beer produced through the di-lution techniques had the characteristics of pure and mild taste and high non-biological stability. The technique was easy to operate and its application could reduce the consumption of water, electricity and coal in large quantities. Besides,the application of the tech-nique could also improve the utilization rate of the facilities and labor productivities and it would increase beer output by 15 %~50 %. The disadvantages of the technique were as follows: 1. low saccharification yield; 2. relatively lower contents of CO2 in product beer; 3.bad taste in beer easily developed if dissolved oxygen not well controlled; 4.the content of each kind of ions must be well controlled in diluted water. (Tran. by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology
high concentration fermentation beer
dilution technique