导致 2 0 0 1年 5月云南 5次强降水和 5月降水特多的原因 ,主要是由于 50 0hPa青藏高压东南侧多次生成的横切变与副高外围西南暖湿气流和地面弱冷空气影响所致。伊朗高压快速东移上青藏高原 ,促使 50 0hPa和 70 0hPa高压环流长时间盘踞在青藏高原上 ,冷空气和高原横切变不断影响云南 ,是云南雨季特早和强降水形成的主要原因。
The reasons for five severe rain events and unusually great rainfall in May 2001 in Yunnan area are mainly caused by transversal shear produced at the southeastern side of the Qinghai Xizang high on 500hPa, the warm wet southwest air current in the periphery of subtropical high and weakly surface cold air.Furthermore,Iran high moves eastward quickly to Qinghai Xizang Plateau impelling high circulation on 500hPa and 700hPa settled in the Plateau for a long time,cold air and plateau transversal shear affects Yunnan area conscantly,which are main reasons of unusually early rainy season and formation of severe rainfall.
Meteorological Monthly