1999年 5月 2 2日到 6月 11日 ,在新疆木垒波斑鸨分布区利用装有温度记录仪的假卵成功地监测了2只雌性波斑鸨 (Chlamydotisundulatamacqueenii)的繁殖行为。研究表明 :在孵化期 ,雌鸟的日活动节律呈现出双峰模式 ,即晨昏活动。雌鸟平均每天离巢 3~ 9次 ,每次 8~ 2 6min。孵化过程中 ,雌鸟每天花费 (94±2 ) %的时间孵卵。当雌鸟孵卵时 ,卵的日均孵化温度为 31 9~ 36 5℃。当雌鸟离开巢时 ,卵的温度平均下降到(2 4 9± 3 2 )℃。随着孵化的进行 ,卵的日均温从 31 9℃上升到 36 2℃ ,与环境温度的变化呈正相关。
From 22 May to 11 June 1999 in the Xinjiang Province of the Peoples Republic of China, the incubating behaviour of two female houbaras with the help of a temperature logger egg was successfully monitored. As a rule, the female showed a bimodal daily activity pattern (morning and evening) during the incubation stage. In average, a female will leave her nest 3 to 9 times every day for periods ranging from 8 to 26 minutes. During incubation, the female spent (94±2)% of her daily time in the nest. The average temperature of the egg varied from 31 9 °C to 36 5 °C while the female attended the nest; that dropped to (24 9±3 2)°C while the female left and unattended the nest. The average daily egg temperature increased from 31 9 °C to 36 2 °C as the incubation advanced, following the increase in air temperature.
中国科学院"九五"重大项目 (KZ95 2 -J1-114 )
中国 -阿联酋合作项目