对活动断层进行正确的分段有助于我们对地震造成断层的发生、发展过程有一个正确的认识。阿尔金断裂带是青藏高原北部的巨型左旋走滑断裂带 ,将青藏高原和塔里木盆地两大构造单元截然分开。通过对阿尔金断裂带东部青崖子—宽滩山的Spot数字化卫星影像资料进行详细的分析 ,结合研究区内的断错地貌和前人的古地震研究成果 ,对阿尔金断裂带东段进行了地表破裂性分段。将阿尔金断裂带东段青崖子—宽滩山分为 3段 :青崖子—芦草湾为阿克塞破裂段 ;芦草湾—北祁连山逆断裂为疏勒河破裂段 ;北祁连山逆断裂—宽滩山为宽滩山破裂段。其中阿克塞破裂段的最后破裂时间晚于 (5 2 4± 0 4 0 )kaB .P .,疏勒河破裂段最后破裂时间早于 (6 97± 0 5 3)kaB .P .,而宽滩山段的最后破裂时间估计晚于 5kaB .P .。
Identifying correctly the segmentation of an active fault is very important for the evaluation of earthquake hazard on this fault. In a fault system, earthquake rupture occur on different segments of the fault, resulting in the segmentation of the fault system. The segmentation of a fault, therefore, may reflect the propagation process of earthquake rupture, and may provide an insight into the development process and seismic behavior of the fault. The segmentation of a fault system can be identified through different methods, among which the most practical one is to identify the segments by using surface ruptures, which is the direct product of earthquake faulting. This paper deals mainly with the segmentation of the surface rupture on the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault zone. The Altyn Tagh Fault is one of the major east west trending strike slip faults in China. It is the northern boundary of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and its linear character is very conspicuous on satellite images. Basing on the offset landforms observed during fieldwork and spot images analysis of the eastern Altyn Tagh Fault, we divide the eastern Altyn Tagh Fault into three segments from west to east according to its surface ruptures: (1) Qingyazi-Lucaowan segment. The extension of the fault on this segment is simple and its sinistral strike slip motion can be recognized from the offsets of streams, alluvial fans and terrace ridges. Here the youngest terraces of 5.24±0.40ka B.P. in age are offset by the fault, indicating that the latest earthquake on the segment is younger than 5.24±0.40ka B.P. (2) Lucaowan-northern Qilianshan segment. The length of this segment is about 250km. By analyzing the offset landforms and combining with the previous results of paleoearthquake research, we find that the youngest terraces here are not offset by the fault, and we conclude that the latest earthquake on the segment occurred at about 7.080±0.57ka B.P. (3) East of the north Qilianshan segment. The displacement of the fau
Seismology and Geology
国家自然科学基金 (49972 0 70 )
地震科学联合基金 (10 1110 )