利用高精度的 Spot卫星资料 ,通过详细的地质解译 ,对研究区域内的河流及其形成的河流阶地进行了系统的对比。通过区域对比 ,得到了阿尔金活动断裂带在阿克塞附近的最近一段时期以来的可靠的河流阶地的位错。在研究区域内 ,规模相近的河流形成的同级的河流阶地具有相近的水平位错 ,T3 阶地的水平位错约为 3 80 m,T4 阶地的水平位错约为 1 3 0 0 m,T6阶地的水平位错约为 3 0 0 0 m。
Based on detailed geological translation to the high-resolution SPOT data,the rivers in the study region are compared systemically with the terraces that they formed.Through comparison we have got the recent displacement of the river terraces near Qingyazi on Altyn Tagh fault.In the region,the rivers of the same scale have similar terrace.The horizontal displacement of T 3 is 380m,while of T 4 and T 6 is 1300m and 3000m.
North China Earthquake Sciences
地震科学联合基金资助项目 (编号 :1 0 1 1 1 0
4 9972 0 70 )