目的 探讨性犯罪中混合斑的PCR-STR分型鉴定技术,获得可靠的精子DNA分型,从而认定或排除作案嫌疑人。方法 用差异消化法分离混合斑提取精子DNA,多STR基因座同步PCR扩增,PAGE电泳分离,完成混合斑个人识别鉴定35例。结果 PCR-STR分型成功34例(97.143%),认定嫌疑人作案21例(60.00%),排除嫌疑人作案13例(37.143%),分型失败1例(2.857%)。结论 差异消化法分离混合斑提取精子DNA进行PCR-STR分型结果满意,10个STR基因座分型相同,偶合概率小于10^(-10),认定嫌疑人作案。
objective To detect the technique of PCR -STR typing examination of mixed stain in sexal crimes. Through getting the reliable speimatozoal DNA typing to affirm or rule out the criminal suspects. Methods By difference digestion method to isolate mixed stain and extract spermatozoal DNA, PCR amplification of multi gene locus,and PAGE electrophoretic isolation,35 cases of personal idendfication of mixed stain were completed. Results 34 cases of PCR-STR typing were successful (97.143%).21 cases affirmed the criminal suspects (60.00%);13 cases ruled out the suspects(37.143%); and one case failed (2.857%). Conclusion PCR-STR typing results were satisfactory by difference digestive method to isolate mixed stain, and extract spermotozoal DNA. 10 typings of STR gene locus were the same,coupling rate was below 10-10 .and therefore the criminal suspects were affirmed.
Journal of Luoyang Medical College